1. International Harvester 444 Radiator

Parts Manual for International Harvester 444 Tractor This Parts Manual contains 148 pages of helpful information. The manual is a digitally enhanced reproduction of the OEM manual and is bound for a lifetime of use. A must have for any International Harvester 444 owner. Notes: Gas and Diesel Year / Serial Number: Sample Page(s) from Parts Manual Which Manual Do I Need? There are 3 main types of manuals, each with a specific purpose.

Some manuals combine types (i.e. Parts + Operators, etc.), but the basic function of the manual types remain the same and are as follows:.

Service Manual (SVC) - The service manual (Shop manual or Repair manual) tells you how to take the machine apart, fix it, and put it back together. It is written in the language of a mechanic and may include valuable detailed information such as specifications, torques, ranges, etc. If you are serious about repairs or restoration, you need the service manual. Parts Manual (PTS) - The parts manual has exploded views of all parts on the machine, giving great detail on assembly and disassembly. It also includes a guide for ordering parts. It picks up where service manuals leave off.


If you do your own repairs, you need the parts manual. Operators Manual (OPT) - The operators manual (Owners manual) came with the tractor. It gives the owner/operator instructions, shift patterns, capacities (anti freeze, crankcase, etc.) and adjustment procedures (brakes, clutch, etc.). This is a critical tool for operating and maintaining your machine. Complete Kits - Get all the manuals for your machine plus a few other perks and ensure you will not be missing critical information in the middle of your repair job.

Choose a sub category: International Harvester / Farmall Manuals Look no further! We have over 3000 International Harvester and Farmall manuals available. These are the original OEM manuals which have been reprinted and expertly bound for a lifetime of use. We offer 3 choices for manuals on your IHC: Service, Parts and Owner / Operator manuals.

International Harvester 444 Radiator

The information in these books will assist you in learning about capacities, routine service, specifications, repair instructions and so much more. If you have taken the time to read over the many International Harvester manual categories you will see we have information on just about everything under the sun when it comes to an IHC, such as: Tractor, Crawler, Engine, Grain Drill, Combine, Plow, Mower, Hay Rake, Loader, Disc, Backhoe, Pay-loader, Forklift, Skidsteer, Baler or Planter!

Whether you are restoring an old IHC tractor or trying to get your machine back to work our manuals will help you achieve your goals. Buy your International Harvester manual online today and get FREE SHIPPING.

We have the precise information you are looking for. Some of our manuals can tell you how to use your tractor properly or how to drive your truck. Other manuals can tell you how to perform various maintenance procedures to preserve your IH machine so it can last longer. You’ll also know how to do basic, or even advanced, repairs. You may also find a manual that gives detailed explanations on the various parts of the IH machine. It labels each part correctly, and you will be able to understand how each part works in conjunction with the other parts.

You’ll be better able to recognize if something needs repairs, and you’ll also know how to look for a particular part properly.

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